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This is the reference manual of MoonGLFW, which is a Lua binding library for GLFW. [1]

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with both GLFW and the Lua programming language.

For convenience of reference, this document contains external (deep) links to the Lua Reference Manual and the GLFW documentation.

Getting and installing

For installation intructions, refer to the README file in the MoonGLFW official repository on GitHub.

Module organization

The MoonGLFW module is loaded using Lua’s require() and returns a table containing the functions it provides (as usual with Lua modules). This manual assumes that such table is named glfw, i.e. that it is loaded with:

 glfw = require("moonglfw")

but nothing forbids the use of a different name.


A few examples can be found in the examples/ directory of the release package.


MoonGLFW is released under the MIT/X11 license (same as Lua, and with the same only requirement to give proper credits to the original author). The copyright notice is in the LICENSE file in the base directory of the official repository on GitHub.

See also

MoonGLFW is part of MoonLibs, a collection of Lua libraries for graphics and audio programming.


The structure of this section purposedly replicates the structure of the GLFW Reference documentation.

All the functions listed in the following sections are members of the glfw table.

Functions tagged with NONGLFW are MoonGLFW additions that do not map directly to GLFW functions.


Rfr: Context.

  • make_context_current(window)

  • window = get_context_current(window)
    Returns nil if there is no current window.

  • swap_interval(interval)

  • boolean = extension_supported(extension)
    extension: a string.

Initialization, version and errors

MoonGLFW automatically calls glfwInit( ) when it is loaded, and glfwTerminate( ) at exit.

  • init_hint(hint, value)
    init( )
    Use these functions only if you need to set some init hints, which are to be set before initialization of GLFW. If GLFW has already been initialized, calling init_hint( ) automatically terminates it. After having set the desired hints, call init( ) to finilize the initialization.

  • The glfw table contains the following version fields:

    • _VERSION: a string describing the MoonGLFW version, and

    • _GLFW_VERSION: a string describing the GLFW version.

  • major, minor, rev = get_version( )

  • string= get_version_string( )

  • platform = get_platform( )
    boolean = platform_supported(platform)
    'platform': 'null' | 'win32' | 'cocoa' | 'wayland' | 'x11'.

  • set_error_callback([func])
    The func callback is executed as func(ec, descr) where ec (an integer) is the error code and descr (a string) is the description of the occurred error.
    If func is nil, unregisters the current error callback (if any).


Rfr: Input.

  • set_input_mode(window, mode, value)
    value = get_input_mode(window, mode)
    mode: 'cursor' | 'sticky keys' | 'sticky mouse buttons' | 'lock key mods' | 'raw mouse motion'.
    value: one of the following, depending on mode:
    - if mode is 'cursor': value = 'normal' | 'hidden' | 'disabled' | 'captured'.
    - otherwise: value = boolean.

  • boolean = raw_mouse_motion_supported( )


  • state = get_key(window, key)
    state: 'press' | 'release'.

  • scancode = get_key_scancode(key)


  • state = get_mouse_button(window, button)
    button: 'left' | 'middle' | 'right' | 'button 4' | .. | 'button 8'.
    state: 'press' | 'release'.

  • set_cursor_pos(window, xpos, ypos)
    xpos, ypos = get_cursor_pos(window)
    xpos, ypos: float.

  • cursor = create_cursor(width, height, pixels, xhot, yhot)
    cursor = create_cursor(shape)
    width, height (integers) and pixels (binary string) specify the image.
    shape: 'arrow' | 'ibeam' | 'crosshair' | 'hand' | 'hresize' | 'vresize' | 'resize nwse' | 'resize nesw' | 'resize all' | 'not allowed'.
    Both functions return a cursor handle to the newly created cursor.

  • destroy_cursor(cursor)

  • set_cursor(window, cursor)


  • boolean = joystick_present(jid)
    jid: integer (1..16).

  • xpos, …​ = get_joystick_axes(jid)

  • state1, …​ = get_joystick_buttons(jid)
    state: 'press' | 'release'.
    Note: Joystick hats are included if GLFW version < 3.3.0 is being used (see: GLFW_JOYSTICK_HAT_BUTTONS).

  • hats1, …​ = get_joystick_hats(jid)

  • name = get_joystick_name(jid)

  • guid = get_joystick_guid(jid)
    guid: string or nil.

  • boolean = joystick_is_gamepad(jid)

  • name = get_gamepad_name(jid)
    Returns nil on error.

  • buttons, axes = get_gamepad_state(jid)
    Returns nil on error.

  • boolean = update_gamepad_mappings(string)


  • set_clipboard_string(window, string)
    string = get_clipboard_string(window)


  • set_time(time)
    time = get_time( )

  • hz = get_timer_frequency( )

  • tics = get_timer_value( )
    seconds = get_timer_seconds( ) NONGLFW
    seconds = tics * 1/hz.

The following NONGLFW time utilities are added for consistency with the time utilities that can be found in other libraries of the MoonLibs collection.

  • t = now( ) NONGLFW
    Returns the current time in seconds (a Lua number).
    This is implemented with monotonic clock_gettime(3), if available, or with gettimeofday(3) otherwise.

  • dt = since(t) NONGLFW
    Returns the time in seconds (a Lua number) elapsed since the time t, previously obtained with the now( ) function.

  • sleep(seconds) NONGLFW
    Sleeps for seconds.

Input callbacks

Rfr: Input.

All the following functions, when invoked with func=nil, unregister the corresponding current callback.

  • set_key_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, key, scancode, action, shift, control, alt, super), where:
    key: see key.
    action: 'press' | 'release' | 'repeat'.
    shift, control, alt, super: boolean (modifiers).

  • set_char_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, codepoint).

  • set_char_mods_callback(window, [func]) DEPRECATED
    The func callback is executed as func(window, codepoint, shift, control, alt, super), where:
    shift, control, alt, super: boolean (modifiers).

  • set_mouse_button_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, button, action, shift, control, alt, super), where:
    button: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle' | 'button 4' | .. | 'button 8'.
    action: 'press' | 'release'.
    shift, control, alt, super: boolean (modifiers).

  • set_cursor_pos_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, xpos, ypos), where xpos and ypos are floats.

  • set_cursor_enter_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, entered), where entered is a boolean.

  • set_scroll_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, xoffset, yoffset), where xoffset and yoffset are floats.

  • set_drop_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, path, …​), where path is a string (and any subsequent argument too).

  • set_joystick_callback([func])
    The func callback is executed as func(jid, event), where:
    jid: integer (1..16),
    event: 'connected' | 'disconnected'.


Rfr: Monitor.

  • monitor1, monitor2, …​ = get_monitors( )

  • monitor = get_primary_monitor( )

  • xpos, ypos = get_monitor_pos(monitor)

  • widthmm, heightmm = get_monitor_physical_size(monitor)

  • name = get_monitor_name(monitor)

  • videomode = get_video_mode(monitor)
    videomode1, videomode2, …​ = get_video_modes(monitor)

  • set_gamma(monitor, gamma)

  • set_gamma_ramp(monitor, red, green, blue)
    red, green, blue = get_gamma_ramp(monitor)
    red, green and blue: equally sized arrays (tables) of integers.

  • xpos, ypos, width, height = get_monitor_workarea(monitor)

  • xscale, yscale = get_monitor_content_scale(monitor)

Monitor callbacks

Rfr: Monitor.

  • set_monitor_callback(monitor, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(monitor, event), where event (a string) may be 'connected' or 'disconnected'.
    If func=nil, unregisters the current callback (if any).

Native access

  • string = get_win32_adapter(monitor)
    string = get_win32_monitor(_monitor)
    lightuserdata = get_win32_window(window)

  • lightuserdata = get_wgl_context(window)

  • lightuserdata = get_x11_display( )
    integer = get_x11_adapter(monitor)
    integer = get_x11_monitor(monitor)
    integer = get_x11_window(window)
    string = get_x11_selection_string( )
    set_x11_selection_string(string )

  • lightuserdata = get_glx_context(window)
    integer = get_glx_window(window)

  • lightuserdata = get_wayland_display( )
    lightuserdata = get_wayland_monitor(monitor)
    lightuserdata = get_wayland_window(window)

  • lightuserdata = get_mir_display( ) DEPRECATED
    integer = get_mir_monitor(monitor)
    lightuserdata = get_mir_window(window)

  • lightuserdata = get_egl_display( )
    lightuserdata = get_egl_context(window)
    lightuserdata = get_egl_surface(window)

  • lightuserdata = get_osmesa_context(window)
    width, height, format, buffer = get_osmesa_color_buffer(window)
    width, height, bytespervalue, buffer = get_osmesa_depth_buffer(window)
    width, height, format, bytespervalue: integer,
    buffer: lightuserdata.

  • context, system = get_context(window) NONGLFW
    Returns the GL context (lightuserdata) associated with window, followed by a string denoting the system ('wgl', 'glx', 'egl', or 'osmesa').
    Returns nil if the GL context can not be retrieved.
    (This function can be used instead of get_xxx_context( ) when xxx is unknown to the application).


Rfr: Window.

  • default_window_hints( )

  • version_hint(major, minor, profile) NONGLFW
    Combined window_hint for the following targets: 'context version major', 'context version minor', and 'opengl version'.

  • window = create_window(width, height, [title], [monitor], [sharewindow])
    Returns a window handle to the newly created window.

  • destroy_window(window)

  • focus_window(window)

  • request_window_attention(window)

  • set_window_should_close(window, boolean)
    boolean = window_should_close(window)

  • set_window_title(window, title)
    title = get_window_title(window)

  • set_window_icon(window, width, height, pixels, [width2, height2, pixels2, …​])
    width, height (integers), and pixels (binary string) specify the image.
    Other images (up to 32 total) can be added in the optional part in the same way.

  • set_window_monitor(window, [monitor], xpos, ypos, width, height, [refresh_rate])

  • set_window_pos(window, xpos, ypos)
    xpos, ypos = get_window_pos(window)

  • set_window_size(window, width, height)
    width, height = get_window_size(window)

  • set_window_aspect_ratio(window, numer, denom)
    A nil value for numer or denom means "don't care".

  • set_window_size_limits(window, minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, maxheight)
    A nil value for minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, or maxheight means "don't care".

  • width, height = get_framebuffer_size(window)

  • left, top, right, bottom = get_window_frame_size(window)

  • iconify_window(window)

  • show_window(window)

  • monitor = get_window_monitor(window)

  • value = get_window_attrib(window, attrib)
    set_window_attrib(window, attrib, value)
    attrib, value: see target and hint for the window_hint( ) function.

  • xscale, yscale = get_window_content_scale(window)

  • set_window_opacity_(window, opacity)
    opacity = get_window_opacity_(window)

  • poll_events( )

  • wait_events( )

  • wait_events_timeout(seconds)

  • post_empty_event( )

  • swap_buffers(window)

Window callbacks

Rfr: Window.

All the following functions, when invoked with func=nil, unregister the corresponding current callback.

  • set_window_pos_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, xpos, ypos).

  • set_window_size_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, width, height).

  • set_window_close_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window).

  • set_window_refresh_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window).

  • set_window_focus_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, focused), where focused is a boolean.

  • set_window_iconify_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, iconified), where iconified is a boolean.

  • set_window_maximize_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, maximized), where maximized is a boolean.

  • set_window_content_scale_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, xscale, yscale), where xscale and yscale are floats.

  • set_framebuffer_size_callback(window, [func])
    The func callback is executed as func(window, width, height).

Vulkan support

  • boolean = vulkan_supported( )
    Returns true if MoonGLFW was built with Vulkan support, false otherwise.

  • extensions = get_required_instance_extensions( )
    Returns a table containing the names (strings) of the extensions needed to create Vulkan surfaces for GLFW windows.
    The returned extensions must be enabled for the affected Vulkan instance before creating a surface with create_window_surface( ).

  • boolean = get_physical_device_presentation_support(instanceRAW, physdevRAW, queuefamily)
    Returns true if the specified queue family for the specified physical device supports presentation to the platform GLFW was built for.
    The instanceRAW parameter (integer) must be a valid VkInstance handle.
    The physdevRAW parameter (integer) must be a valid VkPhysicalDevice handle.

  • surfaceRAW = create_window_surface(window, instanceRAW, [allocatorLUD])
    Creates a surface for the specified window, and returns its VkSurfaceKHR handle as an integer.
    The instanceRAW parameter (integer) must be a valid VkInstance handle.
    The allocatorLUD optional parameter (lightuserdata), is the VkAllocationCallbacks* allocator to be used when creating the surface. If not given, NULL will be used.

MoonGLFW assumes that the raw Vulkan handles (RAW) and lightuserdata (LUD) passed as parameters to its functions actually are what they are meant to be, and has no means to verify it.


  • Init hints
    hint: 'platform' for GLFW_PLATFORM, 'angle platform type' for GLFW_ANGLE_PLATFORM_TYPE, etc.
    The following list shows the admitted values for each hint type (hint: values):
    'platform': 'any' | 'null' | 'win32' | 'cocoa' | 'wayland' | 'x11'
    'angle platform type': 'none' | 'opengl' | 'opengles' | 'd3d9' | 'd3d11' | 'vulkan' | 'metal'
    'joystick hat buttons': boolean
    'wayland libdecor': 'prefer' | 'disable'
    'x11 xcb vulkan surface': boolean
    'cocoa chdir resources': boolean
    'cocoa menubar': boolean
    (Rfr: Init hints).

  • Window creation hints
    target: 'resizable' for GLFW_RESIZABLE, 'opengl api' for GLFW_OPENGL_API, etc.
    The following list shows the admitted hint values for each target (target: hint values):
    'resizable': boolean
    'visible': boolean
    'decorated': boolean
    'focused': boolean
    'auto iconify': boolean
    'floating': boolean
    'maximized': boolean
    'center cursor': boolean
    'transparent framebuffer': boolean
    'hovered': boolean
    'focus on show': boolean
    'scale to monitor': boolean
    'mouse passthrough': boolean
    'scale framebuffer': boolean
    'position x': integer | 'any'
    'position y': integer | 'any'
    'red bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'green bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'blue bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'alpha bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'depth bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'stencil bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'accum red bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'accum green bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'accum blue bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'accum alpha bits': integer | 'don’t care'
    'aux buffers': integer | 'don’t care'
    'samples': integer | 'don’t care'
    'refresh rate': integer | 'don’t care'
    'stereo': boolean
    'srgb capable': boolean
    'doublebuffer': boolean
    'client api': 'no api' | 'opengl' | 'opengl es'
    'context creation api': 'native' | 'egl' | 'osmesa'
    'context version major': integer | 'don’t care'
    'context version minor': integer | 'don’t care'
    'context robustness': 'no robustness' | 'no reset notification' | 'lose context on reset'
    'context release behavior': 'any' | 'flush' | 'none'
    'opengl forward compat': boolean
    'opengl debug context': boolean
    'opengl profile': 'any' | 'core' | 'compat'
    'x11 class name': string
    'x11 instance name': string
    'wayland app id': string
    'win32 keyboard menu': boolean
    'win32 showdefault': boolean
    'cocoa frame name': string
    'cocoa graphics switching': boolean
    (Rfr: Window creation hints).

  • key: 'xxx' for GLFW_KEY_XXX (e.g. 'left bracket' for GLFW_LEFT_BRACKET).
    Values: 'unknown', 'space', 'apostrophe', 'comma', 'minus', 'period', 'slash', '0' .. '9', 'semicolon', 'equal', 'a' .. 'z', 'left bracket', 'backslash', 'right bracket', 'grave accent', 'world 1', 'world 2', 'escape', 'enter', 'tab', 'backspace', 'insert', 'delete', 'right', 'left', 'down', 'up', 'page up', 'page down', 'home', 'end', 'caps lock', 'scroll lock', 'num lock', 'print screen', 'pause', 'f1' .. 'f25', 'kp 0' .. 'kp 9', 'kp decimal', 'kp divide', 'kp multiply', 'kp subtract', 'kp add', 'kp enter', 'kp equal', 'left shift', 'left control', 'left alt', 'left super', 'right shift', 'right control', 'right alt', 'right super', 'menu'.
    (Rfr: keyboard keys)


  • gamepadaxes = {
    left_x: float (-1.0..1.0),
    left_y: float (-1.0..1.0),
    right_x: float (-1.0..1.0),
    right_y: float (-1.0..1.0),
    left_trigger: float (-1.0..1.0),
    right_trigger: float (-1.0..1.0),
    } (rfr: GLFWgamepadstate, gamepad axes).

  • gamepadbuttons = {
    a: 'press' | 'release',
    b: 'press' | 'release',
    x: 'press' | 'release',
    y: 'press' | 'release',
    left_bumper: 'press' | 'release',
    right_bumper: 'press' | 'release',
    back: 'press' | 'release',
    start: 'press' | 'release',
    guide: 'press' | 'release',
    left_thumb: 'press' | 'release',
    right_thumb: 'press' | 'release',
    dpad_up: 'press' | 'release',
    dpad_right: 'press' | 'release',
    dpad_down: 'press' | 'release',
    dpad_left: 'press' | 'release',
    } (rfr: GLFWgamepadstate buttons, gamepad buttons).

  • joystickhat = {
    centered: boolean,
    up: boolean,
    right: boolean,
    down: boolean,
    left: boolean,
    } (rfr: Joystic hat states).

  • videomode = {
    width: integer,
    height: integer,
    red_bits: integer,
    blue_bits: integer,
    green_bits: integer,
    refresh_rate: integer,
    } (rfr: Monitor handling).

1. This manual is written in AsciiDoc, rendered with AsciiDoctor and a CSS from the AsciiDoctor Stylesheet Factory. The PDF version is produced with AsciiDoctor-Pdf.