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This manual describes the functions provided by LunaSDL. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Lua programming language. Familiarity with SDL may be of help, but is not essential to read this document.[1] [2]

What is LunaSDL

LunaSDL is a Lua module for event-driven concurrent programming, whose design follows the concurrency model of the ITU-T Specification and Description Language (SDL).

LunaSDL turns Lua into an SDL dialect by extending it with the basic constructs for the implementation of SDL systems, which are systems composed of concurrent, reactive and intercommunicating entities referred to as agents.[3]

What LunaSDL is not. It is not an editor or a validator of SDL specifications, and it is not a code generator from SDL specifications (it may, however, be used as target language for tools that do such things). Moreover, LunaSDL is not intended for parallel multithreading and multi-core programming, nor for hard real-time applications.

Getting and installing

The official repository of LunaSDL is on GitHub at the following link: .

LunaSDL requires Lua version 5.2 or greater, and LuaSocket.

Since it is written in plain Lua, no compiling is needed.

LunaSDL has been tested on Linux (Fedora 21) and on OpenBSD (5.6). It may run on any other OS supported by Lua and LuaSocket, but this has not been tested.

To install LunaSDL, download the latest release and extract it somewhere on your system.

To use LunaSDL, make sure that the base directory containing the lunasdl.lua script is in Lua’s package.path (for this purpose, there is an example configure shell script in the base directory.)

For example, on a GNU/Linux system, you may do this:

# ... download lunasdl-0.1.tar.gz ...
[ ]$ tar -zxpvf lunasdl-0.1.tar.gz
[ ]$ cd lunasdl-0.1
[lunasdl-0.1]$ . configure

Or, using wget:

[ ]$ wget
[ ]$ tar -zxpvf v0.1.tar.gz
[ ]$ cd lunasdl-0.1
[lunasdl-0.1]$ . configure

Some basic examples can be found in the examples/ directory and are described in the Examples section of this manual.

Common to all examples, and to LunaSDL applications in general, is the need to properly set the LUNASDL_PATH environment variable so that LunaSDL can find the scripts used by the application. For more details, see the Finding agent scripts section.

Module organization

The LunaSDL module is loaded using Lua’s require function and returns a table containing the functions it provides (as usual with Lua modules). This manual assumes that such table is named sdl, i.e. that it is loaded with:

 sdl = require("lunasdl")

but nothing forbids the use of a different name.

As explained later in the manual, LunaSDL creates multiple Lua environments, one per SDL agent. All these environments share the same sdl table. In each agent’s environment, LunaSDL defines also some special global variables that it uses to share information with the agent, and some other special variables for internal use (mostly packed in another table named sdl_). To avoid conflicts with user-defined identifiers, a minimal naming convention is used. See the Special variables section for more details.


LunaSDL is released under the MIT/X11 license (same as Lua, and with the same only requirement to give proper credits to the original author). The copyright notice is in the LICENSE file in the base directory of the official repository on GitHub.


LunaSDL applications

A LunaSDL application is any application written in Lua that relies on LunaSDL to implement a system of concurrent, reactive and intercommunicating entities. In the SDL jargon, and thus in LunaSDL, such entities are called agents. You can think of them as of cooperative threads of execution, akin to Lua’s native coroutines.

In its most natural form, a LunaSDL application is composed of:

  • a main script, that loads and configures the LunaSDL module, creates the first agent, and then enters an event loop, and

  • one or more agent scripts, each of them defining the behavior of an agent (more precisely, of a type of agent).

Agents are created with the functions of the sdl.create family, and each of them has its script executed in a dedicated Lua environment, which provides separation of its namespace from those of other agents running in the same application.


Agents communicate mainly by sending signals to each other, and may create and set timers, whose expiries are also notified to agents by means of signals.

Agents may also communicate with the outside world with respect to the system (i.e. the environment [4]) by means of file descriptor objects like, for example, sockets. Multiple file descriptor objects can be used concurrently.

Reactivity and concurrency

Agent scripts define the behavior of agents in terms of state machines, whose transitions are triggered by events represented by the reception of signals.

The interleaved execution of agents is controlled by an event loop that dispatches signals one at a time.

Every time the event loop dispatches a signal, the agent which is the destination of the signal becomes the current agent, executes some code depending on its state and on the signal, and then returns to the event loop (the model of concurrency is cooperative). The event loop then dispatches the next signal, if any is scheduled, otherwise it waits for stimuli, which may be the expiry of timers or file descriptors that have become ready for read or write operations.

Agents hierarchy

With the exception of the first agent, which is created at startup, every agent in a LunaSDL application is created by another already existing agent, and is linked to it in a child-parent relationship. Thus, agents are naturally organized in a hierarchical tree, whose root is the first agent and is called the system agent.

There are three kinds of agents: system, block and process. Only one agent (the first created) is of the kind system, while the others may be of the kinds block or process, the difference between the two being that a block represents a container of agents (with an associated domain name) while a process does not.

Every SDL agent is also directly contained in an SDL agent of the kind block or in the system agent (which is also a block, although a special one). The block an agent is contained in is its parent, if this is a block, or the same block the parent is contained in, otherwise.

Conventionally, the system agent’s parent is itself, and it is contained in itself.

Agents identification

Agents are identified by their process identifier (pid), which is unique within a LunaSDL application. The pid is an integer value automatically assigned to an agent at its creation, and is used as address when sending signals. The pid value 0 (zero) always identifies the system agent.

Each agent is also assigned, by its parent, an agent name (a string) which is required to be unique within the block the agent is contained in, but may be reused in different blocks.

The agent name may encode information such as the agent’s ‘type’ and ‘instance’ (but this is up to the application designer) and provides a convenient way to identify agents in reusable agent scripts without relying on the pid values being always the same from application to application (which is generally not true, being pids dynamically assigned).

Functions are provided to resolve agent names into pids and viceversa.

The main script

A typical main script of a LunaSDL application looks like in the example below. The application is executed like any other regular Lua script, for example using the standalone Lua interpreter:

 ~$ lua main.lua
Main script example:
 -- main.lua
 local sdl = require("lunasdl")

 -- ... get arguments from command line or from elsewhere...
 -- ... optionally configure LunaSDL ...

 -- Open the system log file

 -- Create the system agent as defined by the agent script "mysystem.lua",
 -- give it the agent name "System", and enter the event loop:

The script loads the LunaSDL module, optionally configures it, and then it creates the first agent (i.e. the system agent), which in turn may or may not create other agents, depending on the application.

The sdl.createsystem call, besides creating the system agent, enters the event loop and returns only when the system stops.

Agent scripts

An agent script defines the behavior of an agent in terms of a state machine, whose transitions are triggered by the arrival of input signals. It may look like in the example shown below, in which the bottom part defines the transitions of the state machine, associating Lua functions to combinations of states and input signals names, and the top part implements those Lua functions.

Agent script (incomplete) example:
 -- agent.lua

 local T = sdl.timer(30,"T_EXPIRED")
 local somevariable = 0

 function Start()
   -- .. 'start transition' here ..

 function Waiting_ConReq()
   -- ... transition: received CONREQ signal in Waiting state ...
   sdl.send({ "CONACK" }, sender_)

 function Connecting_TExpired()
   -- ... transition: received T_EXPIRED signal in Connecting state ...
   sdl.send({ "FAILURE" }, parent_)

 -- ... cut ...

 -- the state machine:
 sdl.start(Start) -- sets the 'start transition
 --             state, input signal, transition function
 sdl.default("Any") -- the default state ('asterisk state')

State machine functions

In order to define state machines, LunaSDL provides the functions described hereafter. More details can be found in the subsections that follow.

  • sdl.start ( func )

    Sets the function func as the agent’s start transition.

  • sdl.transition ( state, signame, func )

    Sets the function func as the transition to be executed when a signal named signame (a string) arrives with the agent being in the state state (also, a string).

    The value ‘*’ (asterisk) may be passed as argument for the signame parameter, meaning 'any signal name for which an explicit transition has not been set for this state'.

  • sdl.default ( state )

    Sets state (a string) as the agent’s default state. The default state is optional, and can be used to define transitions for signals which are not catched with sdl.transition in the state the agent is in when they arrive.

  • sdl.nextstate ( state )

    To be used within transitions, changes the current state of the agent to state.

    If the state actually changes, i.e. if the agent was not already in that state, this function also re-schedules any input signal previously saved with Otherwise calling this function is superfluous but harmless.

  • sdl.stop ( [ atstopfunc ] )

    To be used within transitions, gracefully stops the agent’s state machine and determines the termination of the agent itself.

    The optional atstopfunc argument (a function) is a finalizer to be called when the agent actually terminates.

  • sdl.kill ( [ pid ] )

    To be used within transitions, ungracefully terminates the agent identified by pid and all its descendants, without passing through the stopping condition. The calling agent must be an ascendant of the agent to be killed, or the agent itself. The pid argument defaults to self_.


A transition is a function implemented in the agent script, set by means of the above functions as the code to be executed at the arrival of an input signal (or, in the case of the start transition, at the creation of the agent).

When executed, a transition performs some task depending on the input signal and on the state the agent is in (e.g., it may process input data, set timers, send output signals, and possibly change the agent’s state), and then it returns.

To return (and as soon as possible) is the main requirement for a transition, because the concurrency model of SDL is cooperative: a transition must not be blocking, that is, it must not contain infinite loops or calls to blocking functions.

Each agent has a dedicated Lua environment where the agent script and the transitions are executed, so global functions and variables of an agent do not collide with those of other agents (they are global only in its dedicated environment).

The start transition

The start transition is the first transition of the agent’s state machine and is automatically executed right after the agent has been created.

When an agent is created, LunaSDL first initializes its dedicated Lua environment, then it loads and executes the agent script, and finally it calls the start transition function that was set by the script with sdl.start. The function receives as arguments those (if any) that were in turn passed to the create function in its variable arguments part.

The start transition must contain a sdl.nextstate call to set the first state entered by the agent, or end with a sdl.stop call to terminate the agent without entering any state.

Once the start transition is executed, the control returns to the parent agent. The newly created agent will then be awakened again whenever an input signal addressed to it is dispatched by the event loop, causing the execution of the proper transition which is determined as described below.

Receiving input signals

When an input signal is dispatched to an agent, LunaSDL determines the transition triggered by it, then it executes it in the agent’s dedicated Lua environment.

Assuming the signal name is signame, and the agent’s current state is state, the triggered transition is the first found by LunaSDL in the list that follows and in the exposed order:

  1. the transition explicitly defined in state for signame, or

  2. the asterisk transition defined in state, or

  3. the transition explicitly defined in the default state for signame, or

  4. the asterisk transition defined in the default state, or

  5. the empty transition, which implicitly consumes the signal by doing nothing and leaving the agent in the state it was before the arrival of the signal.

The signal contents and other relevant information such as the sender’s pid are passed to the agent by means of some special variables that are properly set by LunaSDL before executing the transition (the special variables are those prescribed by the SDL standards, with a few additions).

Stopping an agent

A sdl.stop call in a transition causes the end of the agent’s state machine and puts the agent in a stopping condition which preludes its termination.

The agent remains in the stopping condition until all its children have terminated, then it terminates too. While in the stopping condition, it will not receive any input signal (its state machine has ended), but it will remain available for remote functions calls.

If an atstopfunc finalizer is passed when invoking sdl.stop, it is executed right before the agent actually terminates and after all his children have terminated.

If the stopping agent is the system agent, its termination causes also the termination of the event loop and the return from the sdl.createsystem function call. Notice that this happens when the system agent actually terminates, i.e. when all its descendants have already terminated (and thus it is the last agent left in the system).

Creating agents

Agents are created using the functions that follow, all of them accepting the same arguments, namely:


the agent’s name (a string), which is required to be unique in the block the agent is contained in. If name=nil, then the default name "agent<pid>" is automatically assigned to the agent (for example, the default name for the system agent is "agent0").


the agent script defining the agent (see also Finding agent scripts below).


optional arguments to be passed to the start transition function set by the script.

  • sdl.createsystem ( name , script, …​ )
    true, returnvalues

    Creates the system agent and enters the event loop. Any other agent must be created by the system agent itself or by one of its descendants using the sdl.createblock or the sdl.create functions described below.

    This function exits the loop and returns only when the system agent terminates - which can happen only after all the other agents have terminated too - or if an error occurs, in which case it returns nil and an error message (notice that this means that it does not call Lua’s error function as most LunaSDL functions do).

    On success, the function returns true, possibly followed by a list of values (if any were set, during the execution of the system, using the sdl.systemreturn function).

  • sdl.createblock ( name , script, …​ )

    Creates an agent of the SDL kind block and returns its pid. A block agent can be created only by other block agents, including the system agent (which is also a block, although a special one).

  • sdl.create ( name , script, …​ )

    Creates an agent of the SDL kind process and returns its pid. A process agent can be created either by block agents (including the system agent) or by other processes.

System return values

  • sdl.systemreturn ( …​ )

    Sets the values to be returned by the sdl.createsystem function when the system stops gracefully.

Finding agent scripts

To find agent scripts, the functions of the sdl.create family use the same mechanism that Lua uses to find modules and packages.

More precisely, the script argument is resolved by invoking the standard Lua package.searchpath function, passing it the templates contained in the variable sdl.path as the argument for the path parameter.

The sdl.path variable defaults to "?;?.lua" so that if, for example, an agent is created like so:

 pid = sdl.create("myagentname","mydir.myscript")

then LunaSDL searches for a file named "mydir/myscript" or mydir/myscript.lua", in this order.

The default sdl.path can be overridden by setting the LUNASDL_PATH environment variable with the desired path templates (in the same way one sets the standard LUA_PATH variable to override the default package.path).


Format of signals

Signals exchanged between agents in LunaSDL, as well as signals generated by timers, are Lua tables whose first array element (i.e. the element with numeric key=1) must be a string and denotes the signal name. For example:

 mysignal = { "MYSIGNAL", "hello", 1, 2, 3, self_, true }
 -- "MYSIGNAL" is the signal name; the fields values follow

The signal in the example above has only array fields, but the record part of the table can also be used.

Besides expecting the signal name in the first array position, LunaSDL makes no other assumptions regarding the format and meaning of signals and of their contents: it just delivers them between agents. Note that signals are sent by reference.

The functions that can be used by agents to send, save and possibly re-schedule saved signals are described in the following subsections.

Sending signals

  • sdl.send ( signal, dstpid, [, priority ])

    Sends the SDL signal to the agent identified by dstpid, with the specified priority, and returns the current time.

    The priority argument, if present, should be an integer between 1 (high) and N (low), where N is the number of priority levels optionally configured at startup.

    If priority is not specified, or if it is greater than N, the signal is sent without priority (which means lowest).

The SDL-experienced reader may have noticed that LunaSDL has priority outputs, while standard SDL has priority inputs. The following function somehow straightens things by allowing the receiver agent to specify the priorities of input signals, and override the priorities specified by sender agents.

  • sdl.priorityinput ( signame, [ priority ] )

    Configures the priority for input signals named signame.

    This function is (optionally) used by an agent to impose priorities for input signals. If it is called with a non-nil priority argument, then signals named signame sent to this agent will be sent with the specified priority, no matter the priority specified by the sender.

    If priority is nil, the desired priority is reset and the priority specified by the sender applies.

    The sdl.priorityinput function can be used by an agent at any time, but only signals sent after it is called are affected by it, i.e. signals already sent but not yet dispatched are not affected (so, beware of subtle differences with the standard SDL priority input construct).

    Signals generated by timers, time-triggered signals and re-scheduled signals are not affected either.

Time-triggered signals

  • sdl.sendat ( signal, dstpid, at [, maxdelay ])

    Schedules the SDL signal to be sent to the agent identified by dstpid at the point in time specified by at.

    The optional maxdelay argument is the maximum delay, in seconds after at, after which the signal must be considered stale, and discarded. A nil value for maxdelay means infinity (i.e. the signal never expires).

    When a signal is sent with this function, LunaSDL retains it in an internal queue and only when the time specified by the at argument arrives, it sends it to the destination agent (with maximum priority). If, for some reason, the signal can not be delivered before the point in time given by at + maxdelay, LunaSDL silently discards it.

This construct is not part of the SDL standard. It is instead inspired by a proposal contained in the paper “Real-time signaling in SDL”, by M. Krämer, T. Braun, D. Christmann and R. Gotzhein, published in SDL'11 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Integrating System and Software Modeling, Springer-Verlag, 2011.

Saving and re-scheduling signals

  • ( )

    To be used within transitions triggered by input signals, saves the current input signal (i.e. the content of the signal_ special variable) in the agent’s saved queue, for later re-scheduling.

    Saved signals are automatically re-scheduled when the agent changes its state with a sdl.nextstate call, but can be re-scheduled explicitly at any time by means of the sdl.restore function described below.

    In both cases, saved signals are re-scheduled without priority (even if they were originally sent with priority) and in the same order they were saved.

  • sdl.restore ( )

    Explicitly re-schedules all the signals saved in the agent’s saved queue.


SDL agents can create and manage timers using the functions described here.

  • sdl.timer ( duration, signame )

    Creates an SDL timer and returns a unique timer identifier (tid) to be used in subsequent operations. The timer is owned by the agent that created it. Timer functions can be invoked on a specific timer only by its owner agent or by procedures that act on its behalf.

    The duration parameter is the timer’s default timeout in seconds, and the signame parameter (a string) is the name of the SDL signal sent by LunaSDL to the owner agent when the timer expires.

A timer can be created by an agent only before the execution of its start transition. Timers can not be created in state transitions, including the start transition, nor within procedures. Procedures can, however, use timers owned by their calling agent.

  • sdl.modify ( tid, duration [, signame ] )

    Modifies the default duration and/or the signal name of the timer identified by tid (to modify only the signal name, nil must be passed explicitly as argument for duration).

    The duration and signame parameters have the same meaning as for the sdl.timer function above.

    If the timer is active, this function also resets (stops) it.

  • sdl.set ( tid [, at ] )

    Sets (starts) the timer identified by tid so to expire at the point in time given by at, and returns the current time.

    The at parameter is optional and defaults to + duration, where duration is the default duration specified for the timer.

    When the timer expires, an SDL signal is sent to the owner agent. Such signal contains only the signal name specified when the timer was created or later modified.

  • sdl.reset ( tid )

    Resets (stops) the timer identified by tid and returns the current time. If the timer is not active, sdl.reset has no effect and generates no errors.

  • ( tid )
    isactive, at

    Returns information about the status of the timer identified by tid. The return values are: isactive, a boolean indicating whether the timer is active or not, and at, which is the point in time at which the timer is expected to expire (if the timer is not active, then Lua’s math.huge is returned as at).

System time

A LunaSDL application has a wallclock that gives the so-called SDL system time (or, shortly, the system time). The wallclock is started when the LunaSDL module is first loaded, so the system time is relative to that point in time, unless the wallclock is reset during the configuration phase.

  • ( )

    Returns the current system time, in seconds.

  • sdl.since ( timestamp )

    Returns the time elapsed from the point in time given by timestamp.

  • sdl.startingtime ( )

    Returns the absolute timestamp corresponding to the point 0 (zero) of the system time. The meaning of this timestamp depends on the underlying function used to retrieve time from the operating system (see sdl.setwallclock for more details).

Agent information

The functions described below provide information about SDL agents and help agents in locating each other.

For those functions accepting an optional pid parameter, this defaults to self_ (i.e. to the pid of the agent invoking the function).

On error, for example if the agent searched for does not exist, all these functions return nil and an error message in the typical Lua way (notice that this means that they do not call Lua’s error function, as most of other LunaSDL functions do, so the caller should check the return value).

  • sdl.pidof ( name [, block ])

    Searches for the SDL agent named name (a string) in the SDL block identified by the pid block, and returns its pid. The block parameter is optional and defaults to block_ (i.e. to the pid of the block the invoking agent is contained in).

  • sdl.nameof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the name of the agent identified by pid.

  • sdl.blockof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the pid of the block containing the agent identified by pid.

  • sdl.parentof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the pid of the parent of the agent identified by pid.

  • sdl.kindof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the SDL kind of the agent identified by pid. The returned value (a string) is one amongst "system", "block", "process" or "procedure".

A procedure is not really an SDL agent, but in LunaSDL it is implemented as a special kind of agent so it is also identified by a pid and has a name.

  • sdl.stateof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the current state (a string) of the agent identified by pid.

  • sdl.childrenof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the pids of the children created by the agent identified by pid.

  • sdl.timersof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns the tids of the timers owned by the agent identified by pid.

  • sdl.treeof ( [ pid ] )

    Returns a string containing a description of the sub-tree of agents rooted at the agent identified by pid.


SDL procedures are sub-parts of state machines, that can be reused in different agent scripts.

A procedure in LunaSDL is implemented as a special kind of agent, created by means of the sdl.procedure function, that replaces its caller from when it is called until it returns. More precisely, a procedure replaces its caller as destination and source of signals, i.e. all the signals addressed to the caller are redirected to the procedure, which may consume them or save them, and all the signals sent by the procedure are sent on behalf of its caller (in other words, with the caller’s pid as sender).

When a procedure returns, all the signal it saved are automatically moved in its parent’s saved queue and the normal addressing of signals is re-established.

Procedures can be nested, that is, a procedure may call another procedure, but agents (and procedures) can directly execute only one procedure at a time because they are replaced by it. Nested procedures all act on behalf of the original caller, whose pid they find in the caller_ special variable.

State machines for procedures are defined in procedure scripts with the same functions used in regular agent scripts, with the exception of the sdl.stop function (procedure scripts shall use the sdl.procreturn function instead).

Another difference with regular agents is that procedures may not create timers, but they can use timers owned by the agent they act on behalf of.

  • sdl.procedure (atreturn, name , script, …​ )

    Executes (i.e. creates) an SDL procedure as described above. The name, script and …​ arguments are the same as in the functions that create regular agents (the only difference is that if name=nil, then the default name "procedure<pid>" is automatically assigned instead of "agent<pid>").

    The atreturn argument defines actions to be executed in the caller agent’s environment when the procedure returns. It may be a function, a string denoting a state, or nil if no actions need to be executed.

    When the procedure returns, if atreturn is a function, it is executed passing it as arguments the values returned by the procedure (if any). If atreturn is a string, then sdl.nextstate(atreturn) is automatically executed instead.

  • sdl.procreturn ( …​ )

    Returns from a procedure. This function is to be used in the procedure script instead of sdl.stop, to terminate the procedure and possibly return values to the parent.

    The arguments passed to sdl.procreturn (if any) are in turn passed to the atreturn function set by the parent when the procedure was created.

    No script code should follow a call of this function.

Remote functions

Remote functions are Lua functions defined in the environment of an agent (the exporting agent) that can be invoked by another agent (the invoking agent).

When the invoking agent calls a remote function, LunaSDL switches to the exporting agent’s environment, it executes the function there, and then it switches back to the invoking agent’s environment returning it any value returned by the function. That is, the remote function is executed synchronously and immediately.

This is a non-SDL construct, not to be confused with SDL remote procedures (see ITU-T Z.102/10.5) that have a different mechanism involving exchange of signals.

The remote function mechanism relies on the following two functions.

  • sdl.exportfunc ( funcname, [ func ] )

    Exports the function func with the name funcname (a string), so that it can be invoked by other agents using sdl.remfunc.

    Calling sdl.exportfunc without the func argument revokes the function.

  • sdl.remfunc ( pid, funcname, …​ )

    Executes the function exported with the name funcname in the environment of the exporting agent identified by pid, and returns the function’s return values (if any). The …​ variable arguments, if any, are passed as arguments to the remote function.

    The invoked function must have been previously exported with sdl.exportfunc by the exporting agent.

The event loop

As already stated in the Overview, LunaSDL has an event loop that waits for stimuli such as the expiries of timers, or file descriptor objects that have become ready for I/O operation, and that dispatches signals sent by agents or generated by timers.

The event loop relies on a poll function that it uses to poll file descriptor objects for readiness and to get the timing for timers. By default, this function is LuaSocket's select, and the file descriptor objects that LunaSDL supports are LuaSocket’s sockets (and compatible objects). This can be changed in the optional configuration phase by means of the sdl.pollfuncs function.

Agents may create and use file descriptor objects with the API provided by LuaSocket or by alternative modules, and register them in the event loop together with callbacks to be invoked whenever they are ready for I/O operations.

LunaSDL is fairly agnostic with respect to what a 'file descriptor object' is: it only expects it to be compatible with the poll function, and to support a couple of methods: a settimeout method which LunaSDL calls with a 0 timeout argument to force the object to be non-blocking, and a __tostring metamethod (for traces).

Multiple file descriptor objects can be used concurrently, with the only requirement that they must not be blocking, otherwise they would block the timers and the dispatching of signals (LunaSDL forces the file descriptors timeout to 0 when they are registered, and this should not be changed by the agent scripts).

Registering file descriptors

Registration and deregistration of file descriptor objects in the event loop is done with the following two functions:

  • sdl.register ( object, readcallback [, writecallback ])

    Registers a file descriptor object in the event loop. The object argument must be compatible with the poll functiont used by LunaSDL (e.g., if the default configuration is used, then object must be a LuaSocket socket or a compatible object).

    If readcallback is not nil, then the event loop invokes readcallback(object) whenever it detects that object is ready for read operations. Similarly, if writecallback is not nil, then the event loop invokes writecallback(object) whenever it detects that object is ready for write operations.

    Callbacks are executed in the environment of the agent that registered the object, with the same agent set as current (a callback is, de facto, a transition that instead of being triggered by the arrival of an input signal, it is triggered by the detection of the readiness of a file descriptor object).

  • sdl.deregister ( object [, mode ])

    Deregisters object from the event loop. The optional mode argument (a string) specifies if the object must be deregistered for read operations ("r"), for write operations ("w"), or for both ("rw" or "wr"). If not passed, mode defaults to "rw". Deregistration of not registered objects do not cause errors.


If the default poll function (i.e. LuaSocket’s is used, then agents may create and use sockets with the API provided by LuaSocket, registering them in the event loop with the sdl.register function.

Notice that the socket. select function supports also custom file descriptor objects (i.e. other than sockets), provided they have a couple of methods needed by to deal with them. For more details, see LuaSocket's documentation.

Event loop details

Roughly speaking, at each round the event loop does the following operations, in the order they are exposed here:

  1. First, it waits for stimuli. As already stated, stimuli may be the expiry of timers, or the readiness of registered file descriptors objects for I/O operations. How long the event loop waits, it depends on the presence of signals yet to be dispatched: if there are any, it just gives a glance for stimuli (i.e. it polls with a 0 timeout) and then it goes on to the next point as soon as possible. Otherwise it waits indefinitely until the next stimulus.

  2. Then, if any file descriptor object is ready for I/O, it invokes the corresponding callback. The callback execution may result in the scheduling of signals. Any such signal will be dispatched later in this same round.

  3. Then, for any timer that has expired since the previous round, it schedules the corresponding signal to be delivered to the timer’s owner agent. This signal will also be dispatched in this same round.

  4. Finally, it dispatches all signals scheduled until now, in their order of priority. The dispatching of these signals may again result in the scheduling of new signals, but these will be dispatched in the next round (this is to avoid deadlocks).

Logs and traces


A LunaSDL application can open a system logfile and use the functions described here to write on it. The system logfile is also used by LunaSDL as destination for traces.

Of course, nothing prevents an application to open other logfiles and write on them using the standard Lua libraries.

  • sdl.logopen ( filename )

    Opens the file named filename to be used as system logfile, and enables logs. The file is opened in write mode, using the standard Lua If the system logfile is already open, it is closed and re-opened. Any previously existing file with the same name is overwritten.

If the system logfile is not open, or if it is disabled, calls of the following functions are silently ignored and raise no errors.

  • sdl.logfile ( )
    filehandle, filename

    Returns the file handle and the file name of the system logfile (if it is open, otherwise it returns nil and an error message).

  • sdl.logson ( )

  • sdl.logsoff ( )

    Enable/disable logs on the system logfile, if it is open. Logs are enabled by default at the opening of the system logfile. These functions can be used to define ‘logging windows’.

  • sdl.logflush ( )

    Flushes the system logfile. LunaSDL automatically flushes it only at its closure or when the system agent stops.

  • sdl.logclose ( )

    Flushes and closes the system logfile.

  • sdl.logf ( formatstring, …​ )

    Formats its arguments using the standard Lua string.format, and writes the resulting message to the system logfile, prepending it with a timestamp and the pid of the current SDL agent.

  • sdl.printf ( formatstring, …​ )

    Same as sdl.logf above, it additionally writes the message on stdout also (without the timestamp and the pid preamble). If the system logfile is not open or if logs are disabled, it writes on stdout only.


Traces are conditional logs, also written on the system logfile. Each trace is associated with a tag (a string), and it is written on the system logfile only if traces are enabled for that specific tag.

A few traces are produced by LunaSDL for troubleshooting, but application code may produce traces too.

  • sdl.traceson ( …​ )

    Enables traces. The function accepts an optional list of tags. If one or more tags are passed as argument, it adds them to the list of enabled tags. Otherwise it enables traces however tagged.

    By default, traces are disabled for any tag.

  • sdl.tracesoff ( …​ )

    Disables traces. Accepts an optional list of tags. If one or more tags are passed as argument, it adds them to the list of disabled tags. Otherwise it disables traces however tagged.

  • sdl.trace ( tag, formatstring, …​ )

    Similar to sdl.logf, with the differences that the formatted message is written on the system logfile only if traces are enabled for the passed tag (a string), and that the preamble contains the tag also.

Optional configurations

The functions below allow to optionally configure some aspects of LunaSDL. If they are used, they must be called before the creation of the system agent (see the main script example).

  • sdl.envtemplate ( env )

    Sets the template Lua environment for environments dedicated to agents.

    The sdl global table, containing the functions described in this manual, is automatically loaded in each agent’s dedicated environment, so it need not be loaded explicitly in agent scripts (unless a different name is desired for it).

    If this function is not called, the template environment is a shallow copy of the main environment (_ENV) at the time the sdl.createsystem function is called.

  • sdl.pollfuncs ( poll, [, add [, del [, reset ]]])

    Sets the function to be used by the event loop to poll for stimuli, and its helper hooks.

    The passed poll function must have the same semantics of LuaSocket's select, which is used by default if sdl.pollfuncs is not invoked. It may support different objects than LuaSocket’s sockets, but they must have a settimeout method accepting a 0 timeout to make them non-blocking, and a __tostring metamethod.

    If the optional add argument (a function) is passed, LunaSDL calls add(object, mode) whenever an object is registered in the event loop. Similarly, if the optional del argument (also a function) is passed, then LunaSDL calls del(object, mode) whenever an object is deregistered from the event loop.

    The mode argument passed to the add and del hooks has the same meaning and values as in the sdl.deregister function.

    Both the add and del hook are expected to return true on success, or nil and a string error message on failure.

    If the optional reset argument (also a function) is passed, LunaSDL calls reset() whenever it starts or re-starts the event loop.

By means of the add and del hooks, the underlying implementation of the poll function can mantain internally the two sets of file descriptor objects to be polled, and avoid traversing the sets passed to it as arguments each time it is called (which it can simply ignore). The reset hook is expected to delete the internally mantained sets.

  • sdl.prioritylevels ( [ levels ] )

    Configures the number of priority levels to be used in the LunaSDL scheduler for priority signals.

    The levels argument must be an integer >=1. If this function is not called, the number of priority levels defaults to 1 (so, by default, there is one level of priority plus the no-priority level).

  • sdl.setwallclock ( [ gettimefunc ] )

    Sets the function to be used by LunaSDL to get timestamps from the underlying operating system, and resets the SDL system time wallclock.

    The gettimefunc argument is expected to be a function that, whenever called, returns a double representing the current time in seconds. Not passing the gettimefunc just resets the wallclock.

    If sdl.setwallclock is not called, LunaSDL uses the socket.gettime function provided by LuaSocket.

  • sdl.traceback ( [ s ] )

    Enables the stack traceback in error messages. If s = "off", it disables it. The stack traceback is disabled by default.


This section describes the examples that are contained in the examples/ directory of the official LunaSDL release.

Some of them are accompanied with SDL diagrams, which are for illustratory purposes only.

Hello World

The first example is, of course, the traditional Hello World. Just to make things a little more interesting, the salute is given with a delay of 1 second.

The main.lua script loads the LunaSDL module, then creates the system agent with the hello.lua script. The latter implements the agent depicted in the diagram below.

The scripts for this example are in examples/helloworld/. The example can be run at the shell prompt with:

[examples/helloworld ]$ lua main.lua
Hello agent
Figure 1. Hello agent
-- Main script: main.lua

sdl = require("lunasdl")

-- Agent script: hello.lua

local T = sdl.timer(1,"T_EXPIRED")

function Start()
   print("Just one second...")

function TExpired()
   print("Hello World!")


Ping Pong

In this example, the main.lua script creates the system agent with the system.lua script. The system agent then creates two processes with the same agent script, player.lua, and sends a START signal to one of them instructing it to start pinging the other, which in turns pongs in response. The system agent also sets a timer to control the duration of the ping-pong exchange, and at the timer expiry it sends a STOP signal to both processes and stops itself.

The scripts for this example are in examples/pingpong/. Run the example at the shell prompt with:

[examples/pingpong ]$ lua main.lua

(You can also pass the test duration and the ping interval as arguments, in this order).

-- Main script: main.lua

local sdl = require("lunasdl")

local duration = tonumber(({...})[1]) or 10 -- seconds
local interval = tonumber(({...})[2]) or 1 -- seconds


Figure 2. System agent
-- System agent script: system.lua

local T1 = sdl.timer(10,"T1_EXPIRED")
local player1, player2

function Start(duration, interval)
   local duration = duration or 10
   local interval = interval or 1
   sdl.printf("%s: duration=%u s, interval=%u s",name_,duration, interval)


   sdl.send({ "START", player2 }, player1 )


function Active_T1Expired()
   sdl.send({ "STOP" }, player1 )
   sdl.send({ "STOP" }, player2 )

Figure 3. Player agent
-- Agent script: player.lua

local interval = 5
local T = sdl.timer(interval,"T_EXPIRED")
local peer

local function PrintSignal()
   sdl.printf("%s: Received %s from %u",name_,signame_,sender_)

local function Init(ping_interval)
   interval = ping_interval or interval

local function Waiting_Start()
   peer = signal_[2]

local function Initiator_TExpired()
   sdl.send({ "PING", self_ }, peer)

local function Initiator_Pong()

local function Waiting_Ping()
   sdl.send({ "PONG", self_ }, signal_[2])

local Responder_Ping = Waiting_Ping

local function Any_Stop()

sdl.transition("Waiting", "START", Waiting_Start)
sdl.transition("Waiting", "PING", Waiting_Ping)
sdl.transition("Initiator", "T_EXPIRED", Initiator_TExpired)
sdl.transition("Initiator", "PONG", Initiator_Pong)
sdl.transition("Responder", "PING", Responder_Ping)
sdl.transition("Any", "STOP", Any_Stop)

Ping Pong over UDP

This example reuses the player.lua script from the Ping Pong example.

This time the two player agents exchanging pings and pongs are created in two different systems - i.e. two different OS processes - and communicate over UDP. The system agent of each side translates messages received on the socket into signals to be forwarded to the local player agent, and viceversa.

The scripts for this example are in examples/udppingpong/. To run the example there are two shell scripts, responder and initiator, to be executed in this order in two different shells.

Please notice how the shell scripts define the LUNASDL_PATH environment variable so that LunaSDL can find the player.lua script in the directory containing the previous example (this is needed in this example because the script is not in the current directory).

-- Main script: main.lua
local sdl = require("lunasdl")

local port = tonumber(({...})[1]) or 8080
local duration = tonumber(({...})[2]) or 10 -- seconds
local interval = tonumber(({...})[3]) -- (or nil) seconds

local role = interval and "initiator" or "responder"

local ip = ""
local remip = ip
local remport = port+1

if role == "initiator" then --swap UDP address
   port, remport = remport, port
   ip, remip = remip, ip


Figure 4. System agent
-- System agent script: system.lua

socket = require("socket")

local T1 = sdl.timer(10,"T1")
local player
local s, peerip, peerport, role

local function udprecv() -- socket 'read' callback
   -- get the UDP datagram and the sender's address
   local msg, fromip, fromport = s:receivefrom()
   sdl.printf("received '%s' from %s:%s",msg,fromip,fromport)

   -- check that it is an expected message
   assert(msg == "PING" or msg == "PONG" or msg == "STOP")

   -- send the corresponding signal to the local player agent
   sdl.send({ msg, self_ }, player)
   if msg == "STOP" then

function Start(ip, port, remip, remport, duration, ping_interval)
   peerip = remip
   peerport = remport
   role = ping_interval and "initiator" or "responder"

   sdl.printf("starting %s at %s:%s (peer system is at %s:%s)",

   -- create a UDP socket and bind it to ip:port
   s = assert(socket.udp())

   -- register the socket in the event loop
   sdl.register(s, udprecv)

   -- create the player agent
   player=sdl.create("player","pingpong.player", ping_interval) --

   -- send it the start signal (initiator side only)
   if role == "initiator" then
      sdl.send({ "START", self_ }, player )

   -- start the overall timer


function Active_T1Expired()
   sdl.send({ "STOP" }, player )
   sdl.stop(function () sdl.deregister(s) s:close() end)

function Active_Any()
   -- signal from local player, redirect signal name to peer system

# Responder shell script
export LUNASDL_PATH="../?.lua;;"
lua main.lua 8090 20 # port duration
# Initiator shell script
export LUNASDL_PATH="../?.lua;;"
lua main.lua 8090 10 1 # responder_port duration ping_interval

Web pages download

This example is a LunaSDL version of the Lua coroutines example from chapter 9 of Roberto Ierusalimschy’s "Programming in Lua" (a must-read).

The download.lua agent script defines an agent that connects to the HTTP port of an host and downloads a file. The system agent creates four such agents - one for each desired web page - which concurrently download the files.

As in the PIL example, the files are not saved anywhere and the application just counts the downloaded bytes.

The scripts for this example are in examples/webdownload/. Run the example with…​ well.. you’ll figure out.

(No fancy diagrams here. They would not be very interesting.)

-- Main script: main.lua

local sdl = require("lunasdl")

local host = "" -- web site where to download the pages

local pages = { -- list of desired pages


assert(sdl.createsystem(nil, "system", host, pages))
-- System agent: system.lua

local ts =

sdl.start(function (host, pages)
   sdl.printf("%s: Creating agents", name_)
   for _,file in ipairs(pages) do
      sdl.create(nil,"download", host, file)
   sdl.stop(function ()
         sdl.printf("%s: Elapsed %.1f seconds", name_, sdl.since(ts))
      end )
-- Agent script: download.lua

socket = require("socket")

local nread = 0 -- bytes read
local bs = 2^10 -- block size

function Callback(c) -- socket 'read' callback
   local s, status, partial = c:receive(bs)
   if status == "closed" then
      if partial then nread = nread + #partial end
      sdl.printf("%s: read %u bytes (finished)", name_, nread)
      return sdl.stop()
   s = s or partial
   nread = nread + #s
   sdl.logf("%s: read %u bytes", name_, nread)

sdl.start(function (host, file)
      sdl.printf("%s: connecting to %s:80", name_, host)
      local c = assert(socket.connect(host, 80))

      sdl.register(c, Callback)

      sdl.printf("%s: retrieving '%s'", name_, file)
      c:send("GET " .. file .." HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")


Database agent

This example uses the remote functions construct to implement a centralized database agent that serves other user agents.

The database.lua script defines the database agent. The user.lua script defines a user agent that locates the database by its agent name and uses the 'get' and 'set' functions exported by it.

The scripts for this example are in examples/database/.

-- Main script: main.lua

local sdl = require("lunasdl")

-- get the no. of entries in the database
local n_entries = tonumber(({...})[1]) or 1000


assert(sdl.createsystem(nil,"system", n_entries))
-- System agent script: system.lua

sdl.start(function (n_entries)
   -- create the database process

   -- create the user process and send it a START signal
   sdl.send({ "START" }, offspring_)

-- Agent script: database.lua (database process)

local database = {}

function set(i,val) -- 'set' method
   sdl.printf("%s: set(%u)='%s'", name_, i, val)
   return database[i]

function get(i) -- 'get' method
   sdl.printf("%s: get(%u)='%s'", name_, i, database[i])
   return database[i]

   -- populate the database
   sdl.printf("%s: populating database with %u entries", name_, n)
   for i=1,n do
      database[i] = string.format("entry no %u",i);

   -- export the get/set functions for remote calls

   -- not important in this example
-- Agent script: user.lua (database user)

function Start()
   -- find the pid of the agent named "Database" in this block:
   local database = sdl.pidof("Database")
   assert(database,"cannot find database")
   sdl.printf("%s: Database pid is %u", name_, database)

   local ts
   ts =

   -- get an entry from the database
   ts =
   local i = 123
   local val = sdl.remfunc(database,"get",i)
   local elapsed = sdl.since(ts)
   sdl.printf("%s: entry %u is '%s' (retrieved in %.6f s)", name_, i, val, elapsed)

   -- overwrite it in the database...
   ts =
   sdl.remfunc(database,"set",i,string.format("hello %u %u %u",1,2,3))
   sdl.printf("%s: entry %u set in %.6f s", name_, i, sdl.since(ts))

   -- ... and then get it again
   ts =
   val = sdl.remfunc(database,"get",i)
   elapsed = sdl.since(ts)
   sdl.printf("%s: entry %u is '%s' (retrieved in %.6f s)", name_, i, val, elapsed)

   -- exit the LunaSDL application

sdl.start(function (n)  sdl.nextstate("Idle") end)

Priority signals

This example uses priority signals. The main script configures the number of priority levels to 3 (LunaSDL by default has only 1 level of priority, plus the no priority level), and then creates the system agent, which sends a few signals with different priorities to itself. Just to see their order of arrival.

The scripts for this example are in examples/priority/.

-- Main script: main.lua
local sdl = require("lunasdl")


-- set the number of priority levels:

-- System agent: system.lua

local function Send(n)
-- if n=nil, self-sends a signal named 'NORMAL' without priority
-- otherwise self-sends a signal named 'LEVELn', with priority n
   if not n then
      sdl.send({ string.format("NORMAL") }, self_)
      sdl.send({ string.format("LEVEL%u",n) }, self_, n)

function Start()
   -- send a few signal with different priorities to self

   -- this has no priority (i.e. lower than lowest priority):

   -- these also have no priority because their level is higher
   -- than the configured number (=3) of priority levels:

   -- these have increasing priorities:
   Send(3) -- lowest (> no priority)
   Send(2) -- medium priority
   Send(1) -- highest (level 1 is always the highest)

   -- this has priority 1 because the receiver decided so
   -- by using the sdl.priorityinput function (see below)

   -- finally, this also has no priority, and since signals with
   -- the same priority are dispatched first-in-first-out, it
   -- should arrive last:
   sdl.send({ "STOP" }, self_ )

   -- summarizing, the order of arrival should be the following:
   sdl.printf("expected order of arrival:")


function Recvd() sdl.printf("received %s",signame_) end

sdl.transition("Active","*", Recvd)
sdl.transition("Active","STOP", function () Recvd() sdl.stop() end)

-- set the priority of 'LEVEL6' input signals to 1 (i.e. highest priority):

Procedure call

This example shows a procedure call and. It also uses time-triggered signals.

The system agent creates a caller agent with the caller.lua script and then sends some signals to it. The caller agent calls the procedure defined in the procedure.lua script. While the procedure is executing, all signals sent to the caller agent by the system agent are redirected to the procedure, which saves them. When the procedure returns, all the signals saved by it are automatically moved in the caller agent’s saved queue. The caller restores and receives them, and then it receives other signals newly sent to it by the system agent.

The scripts for this example are in examples/procedure/.

(The lyrics in the code are from a catchy song by Matt Bianco and Basia.)

-- Main script: main.lua

local sdl = require("lunasdl")


-- System agent script: system.lua

local caller -- caller agent's pid
local T1 = sdl.timer(1,"T1")
local cnt = 0

local lyrics = {
   "Softly glowing, watch the river flowing",
   "It's reflections shine into my eyes",
   "I see clearer when you hold the mirror",
   "And can reach the stars up in the sky tonight",
   "(Under the moonlight, dancing in the moonlight)",
   "All around the universe, you're looking down",
   "I know you're watching over me",
   "La Luna, is it a mild case of madness?",
   "(Under the moonlight, underneath the moonlight)",
   "La Luna, you take me out of the darkness",
   "(Under the moonlight, dancing in the moonlight)"

function Active_T1()
   cnt = cnt+1
   local v = lyrics[cnt]
   if v then
      sdl.send({ "VERSE", v }, caller)
      sdl.sendat({ "STOP" }, caller, + 2)
      sdl.printf("%s: stopping", name_)

function Start()
   caller = sdl.create("Caller","caller")
   sdl.send({ "START" }, caller)

-- Agent script: caller.lua

function AtReturn(...)

function Active_Start()
   sdl.printf("%s: received %s", name_, signame_)
   -- call the procedure, passing it some parameters
   sdl.procedure(AtReturn, "Procedure", "procedure", "hello",1,2,3)

function Active_Stop()
   sdl.printf("%s: received %s", name_, signame_)

function Received()
   sdl.printf("%s: received '%s' from %u",name_,signal_[2],sender_)

function Init()

sdl.transition("Active","*", Received)
-- Procedure script: procedure.lua

local cnt = 0

function Waiting_Any()
   -- notice that sender_ is not self_ but caller_
   sdl.printf("%s: received '%s' from %u",name_,signal_[2],sender_)
   cnt = cnt +1
   -- save the signal for the caller:

function Waiting_Return()
   sdl.printf("%s: received %s from %u",name_,signame_,sender_)
   -- return from procedure, with return values:
   return sdl.procreturn("received verses",cnt)
   -- no code after sdl.procreturn()

function Init(...)
   sdl.printf("%s: Init(%s)",name_,table.concat({...},","))
   -- time-triggered signals are handy in procedures because procedures
   -- can not create timers...
   sdl.sendat({ "RETURN" }, self_, + 5)


Special variables

In LunaSDL applications, identifiers composed of one or more lower-case letters and ending with an underscore (e.g., self_) are reserved for special variables managed by the LunaSDL module, and should not be used in agents' scripts code.

The special (global) variables listed below are always set, and are properly updated every time (and before) a transition is executed.

Variable Description


the pid of the agent itself.


the name of the agent.


the pid of the SDL block the agent is contained in.


the pid of the parent agent.


the pid of the last child agent created by this one (or nil if none).


the current state name (or nil if the agent is stopping).


the current input signal.


the name of the input signal (same as signal_[1] )


the sender of the input signal (pid, or tid if the signal is timer-generated).


the pid of the original caller of the procedure (nil, if the current agent is not a procedure).


a boolean indicating if the input signal was generated by a timer.


a timestamp indicating when the signal was sent.


a timestamp indicating when the signal was received.


a timestamp indicating when the signal becomes stale.

All the above variables are to be considered read-only (care should be taken not to change their values from agent script code).

The sendtime_ timestamp refers actually to the point in time the signal was scheduled for dispatching. If the signal was sent with sdl.send, this corresponds to when the function was called; for timer-generated signals, it is the point in time the timer expiry was detected; for time-triggered signals it is the point in time the signal was actually delivered.

Summary of LunaSDL functions

The tables below summarize the functions provided by LunaSDL.

With some exceptions pointed out in the manual sections, the behavior of all the functions when an error occurs is to call Lua’s error function with a string message.

Table 1. Create functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.createsystem ( name , script, …​ )

true, returnvalues

Creates the system agent.

sdl.createblock ( name , script, …​ )


Creates an agent of the kind block.

sdl.create ( name , script, …​ )


Creates an agent of the kind process.

sdl.systemreturn ( …​ )


Sets the system agent return values.

Table 2. State transition functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.start ( func )


Sets the agent’s start transition.

sdl.transition ( state, signame, func )


Sets a transition.

sdl.default ( state )


Sets the agent’s default state.

sdl.nextstate ( state )


Changes the agent’s state.

sdl.stop ( [ atstopfunc ] )


Stops the agent.

sdl.kill ( [ pid ] )


Kills an agent and all its descendants.

Table 3. Signals functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.send ( signal, dstpid [, priority ])


Sends a signal.

sdl.priorityinput ( signame, [ priority ] )


Sets the priority for an input signal.

sdl.sendat ( signal, dstpid, at [, maxdelay ])


Sends a time-triggered signal. ( )


Saves the current input signal.

sdl.restore ( )


Re-schedules the saved signals.

Table 4. Timers functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.timer ( duration, signame )


Creates a timer.

sdl.modify ( tid, duration [, signame ] )


Modifies a timer.

sdl.set ( tid [, at ] )


Sets (starts) a timer.

sdl.reset ( tid )


Resets (stops) a timer. ( tid )

isactive, at

Returns the status of a timer.

Table 5. System time functions
Function Return values Description ( )


Returns the current system time.

sdl.since ( timestamp )


Returns the time elapsed since a point in time in the past.

sdl.startingtime ( )


Returns an absolute timestamp corresponding to system time = 0.

Table 6. Agent information functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.pidof ( name [, block ])


Searches for an agent by its name.

sdl.nameof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the name of an agent.

sdl.blockof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the pid of an agent’s block.

sdl.parentof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the pid of an agent’s parent.

sdl.kindof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the SDL kind of an agent.

sdl.stateof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the current state of an agent.

sdl.childrenof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the pids of an agent’s children.

sdl.timersof ( [ pid ] )


Returns the tids of an agent’s timers.

sdl.treeof ( [ pid ] )


Returns a description of the sub-tree of an agent.

Table 7. SDL procedure functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.procedure (atreturn, name , script, …​ )


Executes an SDL procedure.

sdl.procreturn ( …​ )


Returns from a procedure.

Table 8. Remote functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.exportfunc ( funcname, [ func ] )


Exports or revokes a function.

sdl.remfunc ( pid, funcname, …​ )


Executes a remote function.

Table 9. Socket registration
Function Return values Description

sdl.register ( object, readcallback [, writecallback ])


Registers a file descriptor in the event loop.

sdl.deregister ( object [, mode ])


Deregisters a file descriptor from the event loop.

Table 10. Log functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.logopen ( filename )


Opens the system logfile.

sdl.logfile ( )

filehandle, filename

Returns the system logfile handle and name.

sdl.logson ( )


Enables logs in the system logfile.

sdl.logsoff ( )


Disables logs in the system logfile.

sdl.logflush ( )


Flushes the system logfile.

sdl.logclose ( )


Flushes and closes the system logfile.

sdl.logf ( formatstring, …​ )


Writes on the system logfile.

sdl.printf ( formatstring, …​ )


Writes on the system logfile and on stdout.

sdl.traceson ( …​ )


Enables traces.

sdl.tracesoff ( …​ )


Disables traces.

sdl.trace ( tag, formatstring, …​ )


Writes a trace on the system logfile.

Table 11. Optional configuration functions
Function Return values Description

sdl.envtemplate ( env )


Sets the template environment.

sdl.pollfuncs ( poll [, add [, del [, reset]]] )


Sets the poll function and its helper hooks.

sdl.prioritylevels ( [ levels ] )


Configures the number of priority levels.

sdl.setwallclock ( [ gettimefunc ] )


Sets the gettime function and resets the wallclock.

sdl.traceback ( [ s ] )


Enables the stack traceback in error messages.

1. This manual is written in AsciiDoc, rendered with AsciiDoctor and a CSS from the AsciiDoctor Stylesheet Factory. The PDF version is produced with AsciiDoctor-Pdf. The SDL diagrams are made with the yED Graph Editor and a custom palette of SDL symbols made with Inkscape.
2. Introductive papers to SDL, a bit outdated but still very good, can be found in the Telektronikk journal, Volume 4.2000 "Languages for Telecommunication Applications", Ed: Rolv Bræk.)
3. LunaSDL is to be considered an SDL dialect in that it slightly deviates from the SDL standards and has some simplifications: it uses an all-to-all pid-based communication model, with a single signal queue instead of per-agent input queues (although one could argue that the per-agent queues ar just merged but still distinguishable by the destination pid…​); it has no explicit definitions of channels and gates; in LunaSDL any agent (not only the system agent) may communicate with the environment; it uses Lua data types and has no built-in support for ADT and ASN.1; it has additional non-SDL constructs like priority outputs, time-triggered signals and remote synchronous functions with immediate return.
4. In SDL, the outside world with respect to a system is called the environment. Not to be confused with the Lua environment.